I am sure you are ready to get started with part I of VII in your mini course on how to make unique and profitable eBooks, this literally is the shortened version of the steps I take you in
Ebook Profits Unleashed. As you go through this process I want you to have the mindset that this is not just about making a bunch of cash up front. Rather, this is about building long term income online that will sustain you for the rest of your life. Now, having said that, if you follow my easy step-by-step format in this eBook you will make money almost immediately.
What you need to think about right away is, "What can I create to help someone else with their issue or problem?" It is important that you go at it from this point of view because you will be taking what you learn and making something that will help solve what they are trying to search for.
The first thing that you need to do is research places where people are talking about their problems and trying to find out solutions for what it is that they specifically need. If you look in the right places you will see that there is a massive amount of people out there that need your help, and when you figure out what it is that they need you will have a big time followers.
You need to know what to look for an where to look to make sure that you are going to tap into the right type of market. Here is a list of some topics where you could investigate to really see what answers people need or issues you might be able to help them with.
Search for topics like:
- Relationships---Tons of motivated buyers in this market.
- Pets---There are as many pets as people. Huge market.
- Real Estate---People make millions selling real estate products.
- Make Money Online---More and more are loving the options of online business.
- Fat Loss---Could be biggest market of all.
- Acne---People that are very passionate about getting help.
- Self Development---Massive market that has unlimited potential.
This is just a few of the topics that you could research and figure out what people are searching for and how you might be able to help them. What you need to know next is exactly where you can go to search for the people that are having the problems and see exactly what it is that they need.
Here is a list of some places that you should go to search for people that are in need of help:
- Forums---Literally millions of people online venting about their problems.
- Affiliate Marketplace---Awesome place to see popular products that help people.
- Goals/Answer Websites---People directly tell you what they need help with.
I would say out of all of these places the best is the forums because you can see exactly what people are looking for and how to help them. In
Ebook Profits Unleashed I actually give you the example of people that are having relationship issues and are trying to "get their ex back." Talk about a huge market of potential buyers. I guarantee if you made a good eBook that actually helped people "get their ex back", you would be raking in the dough.
What I show people is that all you have to do is figure out what their problems are and find them a solution. The next step in the process is gathering up the right research material for the creation of your eBook. You need to know where to look to be able to find that information to help them. You need to find some high quality information that will not break the bank, I show you exactly where to go to find that.
Here are some great spots to compile relevant information:
- Blogs---Most great "guru's" have their own blog with tons of great information.
- Power Search Tools---I am talking about something way more powerful than Google.
- Article Directories---A plethora of awesome information as your disposal.
- Master Resale Rights and Private Label Rights---Most eBook's for $5 or less!!!
As you go through make sure that you are saving everything you find and then placing it in a folder on your desktop. During this time it is all about knowing exactly what you are looking for and where to find the places with the best solutions.
During this step your goal should be to figure out the problem you want to help people solve. After that you simply have to go out there and find as much information as you can so we can get your eBook made as fast as possible.
If you want to make some serious money online the best way to do that is by creating a unique and profitable eBook. The demand for solutions out there online far outweighs the supply of actual products. I don't care how much competition is out there in any niche, you can make money in it.
Ebook Profits Unleashed shows you exactly what you need to do to make your own products, sales pages and specifically how to promote to make you the most money possible.
I will talk to you again in Ebook Profits Unleashed Mini Course Part II.
Thank you,
Jesse Regan